Explore public art at UTS
Discover paintings, sculpture, digital art and more by browsing highlights from the UTS Art Collection.

Hannah Brontë, Powa Wave, 2022. HD Video with sound. 5 minutes 49 seconds. UTS Art Collection, commissioned 2022. © Hannah Brontë 2022 Photo: Jacquie Manning
Established in 1988, the UTS Art Collection contains over 850 permanent works of art in a diverse range of media; from site-specific installations and sculptures, to more intimate paintings, prints and drawings and a growing collection of digital and new-media works.
With a focus on contemporary Australian art since the 1960s, Indigenous art from across Australia and art that reflects the relationship between art, technology and society, artworks from the collection are on display in every building of the university and are a rich resource for teaching and learning.

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